Saturday, August 9, 2008

proud to malaysia

last couple months i had read an article in newspaper. this title is im proud to malaysia. in this article really full meaning. so i decided to write my own.

story start like this.
my mother bring me to this country and teach me alot of the thing about this country. when i was still a child i really proud to be a malaysian. coz i really feel that all race of the malaysian really life like a nation. but...

after i starting to be bigger and bigger. then i started know i was wrong. yes it should we 1 nation in all race of this country. but what make it not just because the citizen of this country is the profesional talker. they can said something to let people from disagree to agree until no complain. no matter there are joke, serious thing etc. etc. we will always heard a dozen of talking.
until now everyday i read newspaper i saw a lot joke.

this year our country had the election so is time for the citizen to speak out loud. after the election i tough those joke in newspaper will getting less and less. but until now the joke still continue and even worst and make me feel shame about it. the shame is not i can't do anything on it. the shame is the got any true or false. peopel keep judging the true and false just because this people starting to fightinng each other. when will the fighting will end i don't wish to know but what i know when someone lose in this fight there will start a new fight.

now if u ask me do you proud to malaysia. i need to think a couple minutes or more to answer you. i really feel shame when i meet some new friends from others country if they suddenly ask me those joke and fighting. the that the image malaysia like to present to others? i hope not ....

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